Although frame relay lessens the overhead of link retransmission, frame relay still requires that the voice traffic cross many physical paths. 虽然帧中继减少了链路重发传输的开销,但帧中继仍需要话音通信穿过多个物理通道。
With No. 1 Metro Station, Hu Min overhead road and Elevated Railway, it lines in a convenient traffic net. 附近有地铁1号线、沪闵高架、内环线高架、轻轨,周边交通十分便捷。
Simulation results show that CLAOR performs well in decreasing the route overhead and end-to-end delay, and balancing traffic load as well as increasing the packet delivery rate, etc. 仿真结果表明,CLAOR在分组成功递交率、路由开销以及端到端平均时延等方面具有优良性能,能很好地实现网络中的业务流负载均衡。
With rel-ative low system maintenance cost and low network overhead traffic caused, the system, as one ideal network perfor-mance monitoring platform, satisfies well the goals and demand of modern network performance management. 该系统是符合现代网络管理的目标与需要并能保证较小系统开销和网络额外流量的一个理想网络性能监测平台。
In contrast with the protocol provided by Maitland, not only the modular computation overhead and traffic in ours are reduced dramatically, but also the length of signature becomes even shorter, thus ours protocol is more suitable for constructing e-cash payment than Maitland 's. 与Maitland方案相比,我们的协议具有更少的模运算量和通信量,签名长度也较短,从而更适用于构建离线电子现金支付系统。
Detailed study is made on the installation technology of the urban rapid overhead single-rail traffic system which has been put into commercial operation. The installation technology suitable for the present conditions of our country is put forward. 对已经成功地投入商业运营的城市快速高架单轨交通轨道系统道岔设备的安装工艺进行了较为深入的研究,提出了适合于我国国情的施工工艺。
In this realistic environment, authors have done some experiments to evaluate the performance of DSR protocol. The experiments focus on three aspects: the routing performance, the overhead of the protocol and TCP traffic performance. 在实验床的真实场景中,笔者从路由性能、协议开销和TCP业务的传输性能三个角度对DSR协议进行了一系列实验和性能评价工作。
Examples show that the calculating architecture can reduce overhead traffic, and keep a favorable expansibility. 实例分析表明该计算框架能够减少节点间的通信开销,保持了良好的可扩展性;
The simulation results show that HUAR reduces the overhead of control traffic, responds the change of network topology rapidly, and has more stable network topology, lower routing change frequency and better performance than HSR protocol. 分析和仿真结果表明,HUAR具有路由控制开销小,快速响应网络拓扑结构变化,拓扑稳定,路由更新频率低等特点,具有比HSR协议更好的网络性能。
The simulation results show that DLRA has better performances in end-to-end delay, routing overhead and traffic flow distribution, and is easy to be applied. 仿真结果表明该算法在时延、路由开销、网络业务流分布等方面都具有较好的性能,并且易于系统实现。
Therefore, there exist frequent link breakages, which lead to frequent path failures and route reconstructions, so as to increase the overhead of routing control traffic. 因此,网络中存在频繁的链路断开,这将带来频繁的路径失效和路由重建,以至于增加路由控制开销。